
I have had some serious issues with childfree in the past. Every time I make the mistake of visiting this community I am horrified by the level of hatred I see there. I don’t see it as a place where people who don’t want to have kids band together – It’s a place where people who loathe children vent their spleens. Nowhere else have I ever seen a place where threatening violence against children is not only acceptable, but encouraged. It makes me sick, frankly.

That being said, they still managed to surprise even me.

Threatening to never read a fucking comic because one of the characters might have a child???

Sad. Utterly and completely sad.


We have a Republican man in Congress who sent e-mails to teenage boys asking them what they were wearing, and an entire party, the Democrats, whose primary constituency, besides the teachers’ unions, is homosexual men and lesbian women. I hope it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that a big part of male homosexual behavior is interest in young boys.

– Ben Stein, writing in The American Spectator

For the longest time, Mr. Stein was one of the few Republicans I actually felt I could admire.

Yeah. Not so much.

The rest of the article is full of similiar hate. Mark Foley is, apparently, “poor and misguided.” Bill Clinton, however, is still much worse.

Fuck it. I can’t even begin to comprehend these people anymore.

(link grabbed from muskrat_john)