
What did you DO today?

I want to ask that question so often.

Of myself.

Of those around me.

I know what you “did”.

I read all about it on Facebook.

But I want to know what you DID.

What did you accomplish?

What positive things did you do?

What did you CREATE?

How did you leave a mark?

I fear that, in many cases, the answer is “not much.”

More often than not, in fact, the answer is “nothing.”

The sad thing is that we are at a point in history when creativity should be at a peak.

Instead we spend most of our time simply commenting on what others have created.

Or, even worse, expecting people to find us interesting just because we’re prolific in social media.

You talk all day long.

Do you actually SAY anything, or do you just expect us to bask in the awesomeness that is you?

These are the questions I ask myself.

These are the questions that I want to scream in all caps from the top of the Twitter-sphere.

There is so much potential out there today.

So many opportunities for us to create wonderful, beautiful things.

And we’re wasting them.

In 140 characters or less.

World of Warcraft player burns calories while questing

Buried deep within the comments on one of my recent articles over at was an interesting little bit of information from a poster named Saitenyo. She talked about how she set up a platform near a recumbent bike in her home so that she could use her laptop to play World of Warcraft while exercising. I was curious to learn more about this, because while we’ve talked about getting in exercise while playing an MMORPG like WoW, in all my years of gaming I’ve never really known anyone that has put a serious effort into doing so.

A brief exchange of emails later, and I had the full story from the player behind the avatar, one Chelsea Brown. Ms. Brown is a recent BFA graduate from the Laguna College of Art and Design and a self-proclaimed fan of a long list of things that would make her a perfect candidate for attendance at Dragon*Con. She did such a great job of explaining her set up and the benefits that she got from it that I figured I’d go ahead and let her do so in her own words.

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